St. Teresa School is happy to share the video of our partner School, “AGONA ASAFO CATHOLIC SCHOOL GHANA” which provides a glimpse of cultural African dance.
Enactment of
“The Long Names” was an activity done in our School in collaboration with
International School Award (British Council). We and our partner School,
“HSHIMI PREP BOYS SCHOOL-1, Jordan selected a common folktale and got enacted
as per respective cultures.
For British
Council, ISA Project – Alternative Systems of Medicines, St. Teresians got an
opportunity to talk with Dr. Geeta Rani Arora (Research Head, B. Jain
Pharmaceuticals). The purpose was to get first hand information on homeopathy
required for the project. It was really a learning and memorable experience to
talk to Dr. Arora and Director of B. Jain Pharmaceuticals.
As a part of
British Council, ISA activity documentary has been made. The documentary
presents the concept of different ancient healing systems. It is the
compilation of research, analysis, visits and interviews of the professionals
of Ayurveda, Unani, Acupuncture and Homeopathy. The presentation of these
efforts as documentary is the cumulative contribution of Management, Staff and