Friday, 30 January 2015

Sports Activity - Cricket Quiz

A Cricket Quiz based on the evolution of Cricket was conducted in the school auditorium in which four teams comprising students of VIII to XI took part. The audience also felt themselves involved in the activity as they were passed the unanswered questions of each team. All students and teachers enjoyed this activity very much.

Sports Activity-Cricket

Collage on the evolution of cricket in India, West Indies and England. This activity allowed the students across three standards that is class VIII, IX & X to explore the interesting historical facts about the Cricket and then three groups of some students arranged those collected  facts into a very artistic way on three different boards

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Alternative Systems of Medicine

British council 1 from stteresa
The four Medicine systems that is Ayurveda, Unani, Acupuncture and Homeopathy are compared and analysed in terms of their origin , Principles, flaws, methodology etc. This project enriched the teachers , students about the strengths and attributes of these medicine systems. The different medicine systems can be applied and used for different types of diseases. Though the mode of action is different but the baseline objective is to maintain, sustain, regain the health up to its optimum. All the activities whether collage,discussion,debate,interviews exceptionally the interview and visits to different places and experts had been very interesting and enjoyable experience.A power point presentation added up aroma to the whole.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


A cricket tournament was played with rules and accessories same as the old times. Jerseys  were arranged and national flags of respective countries were painted over them. The students enjoyed the activity a lot and were duly involved in the activity



Students of class IX and X  participated in a very interesting activity, in which they showed their artistic skills by drawing and painting, cricket logo and flags of India, Pakistan, and Australia on a fabric piece and then stitched it to the Jerseys of the players.